














我特別要強調的是,對於智慧財產權的重視與實踐,絕對不要剽竊或抄襲,這是嚴重違反學術倫理的。於發表或論文撰寫時,所有的引用,也都應該標註出處,以示負責及尊重。此外,也要避免違反學術倫理的情事發生,例如double publications等,都要煩請大家謹慎面對,再三留意。




中國醫藥大學牙醫學系 余建宏 教授謹識





Dear New Graduate Students, 

 On behalf of China Medical University, the School of Dentistry, I would like to express my cordial welcome to all of you.  With your participation, we can strengthen our research team.  I sincerely hope all of our research goals can be recognized, affirmed and applied in the world.  This is our duty, mission and enduring goal.

 Try to spend some time reflecting on why you wanted to register as a graduate student. Why do you want to come for advanced study?

 There are two key points in the graduate school level of study.  The first one is “to pursue the truth” and the other is “innovation”.

 “To pursue the truth” means we should pay great attention to everyday occurrences. Do not take things for granted! By questioning, researching and exploring, we can gain access to “Veritas” (the truth).

 On the other hand, “innovation” means making creative inventions with a view of making contributions to all mankind in a highly developed technological environment.

 During graduate school, in addition to the learning of more advanced research methods, analysis and verification, it is important to cultivate your language ability and global viewpoints, in order to keep abreast of the times. These are substantially helpful and important. It will not only make yourself better, but will also improve your research with a better perspective and feasibility.

 I used to say that college level life is like “writing a sentence”, master degree level life is like “writing an article”, and doctorate level life is like “writing a book”.

The majority of us have been receiving “cram” education since childhood.  All we had to do to score high was to memorize everything your teachers preached in the classroom.  However, graduate school is a whole new higher level of education with various training goals at different levels. Independent thinking is now most important.

The Master level stage is the first time one gets to know research.  Mostly it is conducted under the professors’ instructions. “Observation and Exploration” are the most important core concepts here.  One keeps close observation and questions one's surroundings. Then one subsequently has the motivation to solve the questions with enthusiasm by investigation and scrutiny.  However, the administrative process of writing grants and proposals are also important and are as much a part of your education, not merely the end products such as theses, papers or patents.

At the Ph.D level stage, the main goal is to get prepared for independent ability to do research.  Therefore, we strongly emphasize the importance of “creativity and production”.  During this stage, one has to learn how to independently plan, to design, to overcome difficulty, to amend and to finish a project to completion.  All of these solidify your fundamentals and ability in the academic field.  Solid fundamentals lead to your excellent potential and endurance in research work, which is extraordinarily crucial for those who want to be a scholar or to those seeking a teaching position in the future.

I especially want to remind you of the respect toward copyrights.  DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.  Such violations are severely against academic ethics.  When you make any presentations or publications, always mark and note the citations as a symbol of responsibility and respect.  Also I want to kindly ask you not to carelessly invade or break academic ethics such as double publications.  Please pay attention!

We also have to cherish the great opportunities with our international students.  With active exchange, care, communication and discussion, it can help cultivate the good in you to become a wonderful person showing respect to different cultures and realizing mutual understandings.

For the academic and research environment, we design a dual-instructor system. Every student is guided by two professors, one from clinical affairs and one from basic sciences.  With this, we hope to assist all of our students to facilitate the research patterns and topics as soon as possible.  We also have a complete and sound mentorship system to offer immediate and immense care for all of you.  Should you have any troubles in life, please feel free to contact us. I am convinced that all the teachers in our school will be more than happy to offer the necessary assistance.

In the end, I would like to once again show you my warm welcome and I hope that all of you always “stay who you are” and “apply what you learned”.  Try to find your passion and momentum. Grasp the happiness and feelings when you make contributions and accomplishments from your own research.  Engage yourself in a new era with great success and graduate honorably.  

God bless you.


Professor and Chairman, School of Dentistry, 

Kenko Jian-hong YU
